TGC: Update 3/27

I figured I'd post a new video, since I've made some good progress since the last one, although it isn't immediately apparent.
This video is EXTREMELY early. All it is meant to show is it will look like to be flying around shooting at stuff in The Groov Cosmos. Well, it doesn't even show that, as the camera is horrible and not at all what it will look like. So...just focus on what the ship looks like.
By the way, you may notice that the music is similar to the music from the last video, but decidedly worse sounding. This is because it's being played by the in-game music system, which is still nowhere near final quality but is coming along nicely.
Reader Comments (2)
Even this super early conceptual stuff is great at building anticipation for Cosmos. Don't know anything about game design, but the ship movement looks pretty smooth and glad to hear it's all coming along nicely so far.
Thanks! I've been doing a lot of game design on paper but have just started implementing it. I should have some gameplay to show soon.