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The Groov Cosmos: Creating New Environments

Since I last posted, I've made a lot of progress on The Groov Cosmos. I've made some progress on the music system, which wasn't implemented when I posted the last video. Plans are to include the song from the last video, but at the time I had just pre-recorded the track and synced it up with the music system from the original Groov, which was silently driving the visuals in the background. I've been planning and implenting a much more advanced music system for The Groov Cosmos, and I hope to post some results soon (it's still a little early to show off).

Something I have gotten a lot of work done on is the "Scene Designer" tool that I've been developing to help me create the visuals for Cosmos. I've finally gotten it into a fully functional (if a little buggy) state, which means I no longer have to journey into the absurdly long text file in a potentially fruitless attempt to remove a stray light or add an architectural structure. The fact that I can now create a scene from start to finish using a visual, real-time system has made a huge difference for my ability to just think creatively and quickly prototype new ideas. Here are a couple of screenshots that show some of the progress I've been making:


I hope people are enjoying hearing about the process behind creating this game -- it's a very new and exciting experience for me to be building a game like this!

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    System of the study and education is very dynamic and interesting. It is providing and instilling the values of the social and norms of the normative aspirations. The skills are applied for the knowledge of the variety and dynamics.
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