Funky Friday Episode II

This week, on Funky Friday, we delve deep into the cavernous catacombs of a creepy cathedral. We're actually going to do that a lot. Every week, in fact. The whole game is set in a cathedral. I just really wanted to use a lot of alliteration in that first sentence.
I'm trying to stick to screenshots for now, because I don't card-carrying Funkmasons around the world to get TOO excited for The Groov Cosmos. And I also don't want to spoil the solution to the devilishly complex puzzle pictured below! That was a joke. It's a really simple puzzle.
Remember to follow me on Twitter or on Facebook to make sure you keep abreast of all The Groov Cosmos-related news. Because if future episodes of Funky Friday are at all as enthralling as this week's, you WON'T want to miss them.
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