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The Groov Cosmos: First Gameplay!

I finally have some actual gameplay footage to post!

My strategy so far has been to develop the framework and tools for a flexible 3D music game engine before trying to develop the actual content of the game, so that I can eventually focus on gameplay and music. Although I'm still not done with the engine, I've begun to work on some puzzle and action sequences.

In the final game there will be an environment to explore; each room is its own song, and might be a puzzle or a dual-stick shooter-style combat encounter. The video above shows some puzzle mechanics at work. The actual puzzle is going to be tweaked and probably won't be the first puzzle in the game, so don't worry if the solution doesn't seem to make any sense. The action scene I'm attaching below is also incredibly early but shows a very basic example of what combat will be like in The Groov Cosmos.


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    We are living in a complex world where we have to deal with different kinds of things and concepts but if we mishandled these concepts so it will surely have bad effect on overall our performances of an individual.

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