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Listen UP 4/10/2009

How awesome is this? After hearing guest hosts Nick Suttner and Patrick Klepek mention Groov on previous podcasts (thanks guys!), host Garnett Lee checked it out. What resulted was 4 minutes of praise-heaping (and constructive criticism, of course) from the guys at 1UP and John Davison of What They Play on the latest episode of Listen UP (formerly 1UP Yours). Garnett was even cool enough to have included it in the show description! A couple awesome quotes from Garnett:

"I love music and game integration...and this is one of the cooler ones I've ever seen."

"If you're into music rhythm games and you like twin-stick shooters, it's a no brainer. Just go get it to support the guy who made because its really really cool and I really like it."

So sick! Check out the episode here or on iTunes.

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