Funky Friday Episode I
Friday, June 10, 2011 at 12:00PM
Barryman in Dev Diary, Funky Friday, Games, The Groov Cosmos

E3 SPECTACULAR ANNOUNCEMENT! Well not exactly; Funkmasonry Industries (ie. myself) isn't *quite* a big enough deal yet to make it to E3. However, I do have something to announce. Starting today, I'll be posting a short update about The Groov Cosmos every Friday. Let's kick things off with some new screenshots, fresh off the game-making presses.

These are two views of "Main Control," where you begin the journey that is The Groov Cosmos. Investigatory readers will note the second screenshot's similarity to a piece of concept art I posted a few months ago. Stay tuned for next week's episode of Funky Friday!


Article originally appeared on Funkmasonry Industries (
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